Saturday, June 19, 2010


This trip would not be the same without your support! Thanks to you, I was able to raise sufficient funds to pay for the flight, room & board, and baking supplies that aren't available in Guatemala for the missionaries and the kids they shepherd.

I can hardly believe I'll be there in four short days. I'm really looking forward to my time there and sharing it with you!

Just to let you know, the mission's office at my church requested Ashley and I keep a blog through the church mission's blog. I hope to post the same material on both. If it differs I'll post the link here. And I have NO idea how much internet time we will have. But what I do know is that I WILL POST PICTURES when I return!

1 comment:

  1. praying for you!!! Just got your letter the other day - thanks for keeping me posted and in the loop! Love you lots!!!
