- You received some mail from me (or you're going to!)
- A friend told you about this
- You just happened to be blog surfing.
Well, since you're here I want to tell you that I'm so excited that you stopped by to share my friend Ashley and my journey to Guatemala this summer. We plan on spending three weeks of my summer there volunteering our time to a pretty awesome orphanage.
So, in September 2009, I took a big leap of faith and quit my job to pursue my dream career - Elementary Teacher. The wait of finding a job seemed eternal at times, but it was a GREAT opportunity to think through a lot of things and my life. One of those things would be what I would do with my summers once I landed a full time teaching position. And the answer, without a doubt, is to do short term mission trips to orphanages abroad.
I told my friend Ashley, who one super cool chic I met through church and she jumped on board. She also has summers off and has a heart for orphans. Sooooo - We shall go!
And, as you've guessed, there are TONS of orphanages to choose from but I'm going to start this endeavor by returning to Casa Bernabe, an orphanage that I've visited in the past. I had the opportunity to take several mission trips through my university and I ABSOLUTELY loved it! The people - the kids - that I met have kept a piece of my heart and quite frankly I've been wondering what it would be like to go back.
So the wondering is coming to an end! I'm going! For REAL, not for fake!! Preparations are underway. I'll let you know how we (Ashley and I) progress.
And...If you'd like to be a part of this journey this is how you can be involved.
1. Keep coming back to the blog for updates! :o)
2. Prayer:
- Pray for us as we prepare for this trip.
- Pray for the little hearts of the kids that we'll meet.
- Pray for our finances. We are both raising $2,000 that will cover travel, room & board, supplies needed for projects .
- Pray for our health.
I know that ultimately God is the one who provides, but I ask that you would consider giving. It is tax deductible when you give through Houston's First Baptist Church - you give online here. (Make sure to click Guatemala and specify who it's directed to: Mimi Marquez).Thanks so much for being interested enough to read this WHOLE post! I can't wait to share more!!
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